lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

98SK - Dandavats - 2008





Creado por juancas  del 22 de Octubre del 2012

99SK - Dandavats - 2008
100SK - Cow’s Urine As Ayurvedic Medicine!
101SK - View from a hospital
102SK - Dearest Mother Lila, Eternal Servant of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar

Dandavats - 2008
Feb 29, '08 11:59 AM
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dandavats - killing of gangotri protest.html
Cow’s Urine As Ayurvedic Medicine!
View from a hospital
Dearest Mother Lila Eternal Servant of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar
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Lila dies after shooting in India Febrero 2008 (108)
Tulasi Devi (109)


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100SK - Cow’s Urine As Ayurvedic Medicine!

Feb 29, '08 12:03 PM
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Cow urine trade goes official

By Gauranga prasad das

Lucknow, Feb. 5: The Uttarakhand government will now buy and sell 5,000 litres of cow urine every day. The government will purchase cow urine from cow owners and then sell it to Ayurveda pharmacies like Patanjali Yogpeeth and Geeta Bhavan, which have volunteered to buy the product for use in manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines.

The government plans to create a market later where cow owners can interact directly with buyers. According to Uttarakhand minister for animal husbandry Trivendra Rawat, ‘We have got an order for 5,000 litres of cow urine per day from Patanjali Yogpeeth pharmacy, owned by Yoga guru Swami Ramdev, and Geeta Bhavan. Swargashram Rishikesh, too, has shown keen interest in buying cow urine for Ayurvedic medicines. We plan to buy cow urine though milk cooperatives at Rs 5 per litre.’

The programme was launched in Kalsi, in Chakrata tehsil of Dehradun, earlier this month. The next phase will begin from Srinagar in Garhwal area later this month. Nearly 1,900 active milk cooperatives will be engaged to collect cow urine which will later be sold to Ayurvedic pharmacies. The urine of 26 species of cows, named Badri, has a richer herbal residue content compared to that of cows found in the plains. ‘Badri’ urine has a unique quality to treat cancer, claim experts. Ayurvedic chemists vouch for the medicinal properties of distilled cow urine.

‘Cow urine has the same potential as Ciplox and Amoxicilin in allopathic medicines to fight diseases,’ said Rakesh Bahuguna, an Ayurvedic chemist. The minister said Uttarakhand did not have the facilities to make cow urine concentrate and the government is keen to start a cow research institute. Mr Rawat visited Kanpur recently to study the upkeep of cow sheds being run in Uttar Pradesh. A team of officials also visited Jaipur to evaluate the work being done in Rajasthan. ‘We want to collect all information so that we can have an excellent research facility in the proposed cow research institute,’ he said.

Article appeared in Deccan Chronicle (a Hyderabad-India Daily) on Feb 05 2008.

101SK - View from a hospital

Feb 29, '08 12:08 PM
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View from a hospital

By Bhaktin Sara Bock

We never can tell what effect Krishna’s name or His books will have on people.

One lady who I work with ended up in the hospital - in a room that happened to have a view of the LA Krishna temple. She had learned some mantras in our meditation class at work, and had visited the temple once when we took a field trip there.

She called from the hospital and asked me to bring her books, music, and Krishna food while she was in the hopsital to cheer her up. Part of me hesitated for fear of work authorities accusing me of “proseletyzing” in a work related situation, but deeply I knew this was too important to pass up! I dropped off some books, music, and of course Krishna cookies.

A week later when returning she told me of her situation - she reads daily Light of the Bhagavata which she loves, and each morning at 5 am, and each night before bed, she closes her hosptial room door, looks out the window at the temple, turns on her “Temple Bhajan Band” music, and chants and dances to lift her spirit.
Hospitals seem to be a very wide open door for sharing Krishna Consciousness with others.

Hare Krishna.

102SK - Dearest Mother Lila, Eternal Servant of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar

Feb 29, '08 12:14 PM
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Dearest Mother Lila, Eternal Servant of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar

By Padmapani das

Hare Krishna, Mother Lila. Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Although I never met you personally, I read the loving words of your dear Mother Subhangi, and my heart was moved and touched to no end. You are obviously a very sweet devotee of Their Lorships Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar, Who were personally installed by Srila Prabhupada himself in the holy land of Sri Vrindavan Dhama, your worshipable residence and home. Therefore it goes without saying that you are an eternal resident of the holy dhama, and that you are very very dear to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar. Please kindly accept my humble dandavats at your lotus feet. Your glories are unlimited and we all worship and honor you with all our hearts.

Please rest assured that Srila Prabhupada himself declares in The Nectar of Devotion:

“Out of many kinds of devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the one who is attracted to the original form of the Lord, Krishna in Vrindavana, is to be considered the foremost, first-class devotee. Such a devotee is never attracted by the opulence of Vaikuntha nor even of Dvaraka, the royal city where Krishna ruled. The conclusion is that the devotees who are attracted by the pastimes of the Lord in Gokula or Vrindavana, are the topmost devotees.”

(Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 4)

Therefore you have undoubtedly entered the eternal pastimes in association with your dearmost beloved Lordships, Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundar.

In addition, our hearts and love go out to all your family members and friends. May Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada please bless you all.

All glories to you, Mother Lila. Thank you for blessing this world and our lives with your holy presence. You’ll always be remembered and honored with the deepest respect and love from all the devotees of Krishna worldwide.

Hare Krishna.






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    La Bíblia

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